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Posted on : Friday, July 22, 2016 @ 12:40 PM
22 July 2016 Friday
Day 66 in the US
In the blink of an eye, it has already been sixty six days in the US! It has indeed been a journey of discovery, self-reflection, learning in another country.
Indeed, I have been very fortunate to be given this chance to experience what it is to be like interning at a US company, having lessons at a local University here. Before coming here, I was clueless how it would turn out and prepped myself with the mentality of just experience and learn as much here! Definitely, I was excited to be going to the States because it has by far been the furthest country I have travelled to and its a country where people speak perfect english hahaha. Their open culture was something I would like to see for myself too. Amidst all these, was also their friendly way of greeting.
True enough, Americans are indeed very friendly. Any stranger would never fail to ask you how was your day! Initially I wasn't used to this form of over-friendliness because back in Singapore, we would at most say "Hi!" Though I was skeptical about the friendly way of greeting here, I have learnt that it was just part of how they greet and acknowledge one another. They are always open to starting conversations, or rather small talks with anyone, share with you their day etc. Its indeed nice to experience this! :)
My thoughts are rather incoherent haha so I will just be penning down whatever that comes to my mind. Every time I achieve a milestone I would have the feels to actually pen it down here though I know the web isn't the most most private space. This is just a space I give myself to share and reflect on thoughts hahaha so it might just be random rambles and perspective.
Atlanta, its a great city, though I would say not extremely impressive haha. Partially because the weather is similar to that of Singapore, it gets really hot in the evenings. But I was most amazed by how Uber and Lyft is one of the main form of transportation here, their marta and trains aint there really comprehensive. I only started using Uber at start of this year once in a while back in sg because it was really the fastest mean of getting a "Taxi" haha. I have always admired how Apps changed the way we live, in this amazing amazing world of technology, it has made life simpler to a certain extent. But here in Atlanta, using Uber or Lyft is just so so convenient!! And the best part is that its even cheaper then taking the bus. OHH just thought of it, I love the Disney app! Its really well-built I would say, it saves the hassle of having a paper map and wondering what is the queuing time for each ride. On top of it, it allows you to book rides in advance, reserve seats at the restaurants, and its tied to the PhotoPass! So yeah I'm just amazed my how applications play a part in my life here haha and thankfully my Oppo phone has a large storage space so I download apps whenever I want to! Other than the above 3 apps, there are apps like RetailMeNot etc etc that triggered bf and I to have our Eureka moment hahahaha :)
Looking at successful businesses here, watching Shark Tank as our favourite night time activity, (Other than bf learning his Ruby courses haha) has spurred the entrepreneurial spirit in us. The startup ecosystem has been growing big these days, everyone wants to have their own business, thinking that being labelled as an entrepreneur is cool. Personally, yes i think that it is cool to have a business of your own, but it definitely takes sweat and time to grow a business. Of course, who doesn't want their business to be profitable immediately? Everyone wants a business that is making money, that everyone knows of it and thinks that it is really a good idea. That doesn't happen immediately, it takes time and much much effort to grow it. Working on an idea now made me realise that building a business is full of uncertainties and doubts. You aren't sure what exactly is the right path you should take, there are so many aspects to consider too. Your brand image, your brand message, how does the idea works, how to even sell the idea to merchants?, what kind of website to create? The endless routes that are plausible, and there are many questions you ask yourself.
But, if you don't even try working on it, you wouldn't even get an outcome. Only when you have been through the thought process, the execution process then you will learn and it would be etched in your mind for eternity. The future maybe blurred but I guess as what many say, you can afford to fail as a student. As least you learn at a young age and pick yourself up along the way before graduation.
Graduation. It's indeed a scary thought. Looking at commencement photos, watching commencement speeches from prestigious school, its scary to think of the day when I actually wear a graduation robe. Often, I think of myself what I would want to achieve before I graduate. Is it good grades, or a sense of accomplishment from all the experiences I have been through. There are varying thoughts about how results ain't everything in this society now. I guess the society is slowly trying to not place much emphasis on results and all and look at experiences instead. Personally, I feel that soft skills are really bonuses in my life. Learning photoshop wasn't something part of the school curriculum, website development too, but its these soft skills that I have picked up myself along the way that make myself more "valuable". I'm really thankful for those chances that I got to self learn such skills! Learning never stops!!! I hope that in the future ahead, I would pick up more and more skills :)
Friends. Growing up, people relationship gets tougher, people ain't as simple-minded as you think. Afterall, everyone wants to be an accomplished person. The rat race is never ending...
But, connections play a significant part in a business too. Connections brings about sales, its an indirect way of seeking help. People are made up of different personalities, different people have their own thinking and own way of doing things. In different situations, people act differently too. On the social media world, one may appear to be all outgoing, sociable, and all so great. But when you actually meet the person in reality, its so different that what he/she appears to be on social media. Being superfical? Or having a spilt personality? I'm not sure what that person thinks, but to me, I cannot stand fake people. But ultimately, is up to one to filter the good and bad influences in one's life. But, sometimes, people might take kindness for granted. Being kind, you might be easily stepped over. haha those dilemmas in life. BUT, ITS IMPORTANT TO STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF! everyone has their own ethics and beliefs but its important to remember what defines yourself!
I shall continue this post when I have the feels too haha back to work now :D
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Posted on : Thursday, November 26, 2015 @ 4:53 AM
is it everytime i finish exams i got the feels to blog HAHA --> Much singlish in there LOL
but i realllyyy hate exam woes, studying since primary 1 and omg its already university life and studying never stops. I hate it when I'm not an exam smart person, and how effort doesn't mean accomplishment. DAYUMMMMM hurh though i dont really care about results because I really studied hard for it and if results are not meant to be then its just not LOL haaha but of course I hope my results are of acceptable range, i dont need it to be exceptionally well but just acceptableeeeee What i hate about finals is that u go in the exam and come out without knowing whether your answer is right or wrong and all that u get in the end is just a grade (wth??) and worst if your brain decides to fail on you during exams, like suddenly u know u read it somewhere before but the term just doesnt want to come out!!!! Damn it!! and then u come out of the exam hall and dayum u lost marks sobs Aiseh exams woesssss and its part and parcel of every semester sobss I Wish i knew i have more brain cells to contain for information and i can process info faster and i know how to study effectively and maybe i got a chip of my brother's brain AHHA but i just wanna be an averageee student and ultimately live up to my parent's and ahgong ahma's expectations hhahhhaha Its like seeing how my parents brought me up i feel the obligation to give them a good life when i grow up and hopefully to be an accomplished person they can be slightly proud of hahahahhaahaa hopefully la hor
and yeah so omg i really dont like exams hur hurrr i rather grades be accumulated over the whole sem through projects and not BAMMM finals is the way to end the sem LOL but i guess exams is necessary to differentiate ppl apart... cant escape this harsh truth sobs ohwellls after exams is another level of stuff to look forward for? or maybe not? hahahah i cant believe im flying off next fri ling chen to be exact wth i havent even met up with my two best friends for ages to chill and i have to fly off and omgggg when i come back its alr 20dec sobssss :((( still regretting my decision to go for another ocsp but i guess nothing can be changed alr >< I know i will be happy seeing all the kids and getting away from the city life for a moment buttttt i really wanted to spend time starting sth that im passionate about ......haizzz and best is i needa prep stuff before flying offf mega sobs okay many complaints and i have to remind myself pOSITIVITYYYYYYY
I FOUND A NEW HOBBY WRITING WORDS USING PEN or rather to make it sound nicer typography haahahaah tried my first hand at it andd realised it not one time you get that nice handwriting that you want, but its through a series of trials and errorss!!!!!!but okay im happy with the pen i bought hehehee
but for now, the weather is to great i cannot resist hehe
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Posted on : Sunday, July 26, 2015 @ 8:34 AM
Been a while since i have blogged!! Many things happened, everyday is just a busy busy day for me, work and settling school stuff etc etc. but i guess I'm able to manage stress better now i guess!!
BALI trip was just awesomez to the max and it feel like so long ago though it was just a month ago..... its already the end of July omg!!! time really fliess! School's starting again and there goes the end of my summer break!
I learnt alot this summer, being on an internship that really gave me ownership of things that i would never have expected myself to be in charge of, its was really a challenge to me. But as time goes by, I learnt to manage better the things I'm in charge of and yay i guess its a small accomplishment! I still have load to learn and improve on but for now I'm satisfied with my lifeeee
BUT I REALLY WANNA TRAVELLL to Europe!!!!my dream that i hope to accomplish with the one i love because seeing pictures of people being there with their the other half is just so omggg hell jealous!!! Oh wells hahaha i hope it will be my turn sooooonn haha but of course i dont wanna bring my expectations so high uppp and i really hope to be in some places in europe someday!!
Mixed feeling about starting school because there seem to be alot of stuff to settle each day, studies, cca, ocip but i guess i just have to deal it with! Challenges in life will eventually make me stronger, wiser in future. So bring it on i guess, just treat each day as a learning experience and eventually the satisfaction derived would supersede anything else :)
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Posted on : Saturday, May 16, 2015 @ 11:19 AM
I think next sunday at this timing, I would be too excited to even sleep because bali trip with my two other best friends is happening the following monday!!!
We were planning for this long awaited trip at a cafe today, getting excited over it. Its really a trip that I have been looking forward to since secondary school days and its finally coming true!! I'm really really very happy and #ijustcantwaitttt
Admist stressful times and tired times, my two best friends have always been there from me, they are just a whatsapp away, a telegram away, a call away. We don't meet up very very often, we don't dress to impress one another, we don't take photos just to show how close we guys are together. Its really all in our hearts that we know our friendship is built on trust, understanding <3 font="" nbsp="">3>
I have so much to thank them for, and something that i read on thought catalog really reflected my feelings very well.
To the two best friends that i want to spend my whole lifetime with, spend my happy, sad moments with them, thank you so so much for coming into my life.
" Thank you for being you and for letting me be me.
Thank you for letting me feel so much like myself when I’m with you. Thank you for not making me wear any masks or put on any fronts. Thank you sharing in my happiest moments, and for genuinely feeling the same; for listening to my saddest stories and radiating compassion and empathy from wherever you are. Thank you for being the only (two) person I ever want to confide in.
Thank you for being the most beautiful person, inside and out. Thank you for making the world a better place, just by being in it. Thank you for making colors a little brighter, sunshine a little warmer, and hugs a little better. Thank you for loving more fiercely than anyone I know. Thank you for defining selfless, always putting others before yourself; you are going to change the world just as much as you have changed mine.
Thank you for the laughs, for the cries, and for everything in between. Thank you for being my rock, my anchor; for keeping me grounded when I feel like I might otherwise blow away. Thank you for all of the things you do, big and small. Thank you for knowing me inside out. Thank you for always knowing what to say and for being one of life’s best teachers. Thank you for making fun of me when I deserve it, and for loving me when I don’t. Thank you for staying constant in a world full of change, and for keeping some normalcy in a world full of chaos.
Thank you for setting the bar so high and making it impossible to find another friend as good as you. Thank you for making the years we have been friends feel like forever and for giving me enough memories to last a lifetime, but not ending there. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for the absolute privilege and honor of being able to call you my best friend; thank you for being my person. Thank you for giving me these reasons, and a million more, to be thankful for."
Such a nice and warm article that i have came across, (haha i edited some parts)
So thank you for two best friends that i have met in my life, for making me feel loved, not judging me, for seeing past my imperfections, for making feel at ease talking with you guys, for bringing my self-esteem up, for being so real and trustworthy. Wo ai ni men!!! To many more memories together, our Bali trip would definitely be memorable, fun and enjoyable.
I like how we chose to go beaches and have a chill lax first overseas trip together, rather than going on the bandwagon of going to common places like Bangkok. Hehehe. Coz we rather spend the night talking our hearts out than shopping for cheap stuff hahaha
May our first ever overseas trip be smooth and safe!!!! Snorkelling, parasailing and jet sailing, dinner by the beach, watching sunrise and sunset together, walking up to our free hotel breakfast (HAHAHA), walking along the shoreline, taking pictures with the magnificant scenery, doing retarded stuff together, enjoying the peace and serenity of having the pool in our room (HAHA) I'm sure this trip would be something that we would enjoy it alot alot!!!! To more adventures and milestones (?) HAAHA together, to seeing each other grow and one day get married, to the day we grow old and become Ah-mas, MAYBE WE shall go bali again when we reach 40 AHAHAOn a side note, I gotta press on for one week and press on for everything that may come by this summer. My constant reminder when life gets tough and stressful and I'm sometimes unsure if I made the right decisions to burden myself.....
" At the end of the day, we are never going to be 100% ready for anything. Not for the job of our dreams and not for a job at the minimart. Life is one but scary unknown and we just have to decide which parts of it we want to dive into anyway. The unknown that thrills us or the unknown that tires us. The unknown that inspired us or the unknown that tears us apart.
No rush will ever be simple. You're going to fall and be criticized regardless of which life path you take- so you not take the one that challenges you? why not engage in the choices that grow you? Why not pour your heart and soul into something that inspires you and invigorated you and ultimately leaves you better for having done it?
We don't have to be ready for anything that comes our way in life. We grow whoever paths we walk down with curious, open hearts. We just have to risk taking those first steps- ready or not."
I hope that whatever i do now, it would be a learning experience from me, doing my best to accomplish any tasks that are given to me, I just hope that i won't let anyone down and eventually the satisfaction derived would supersede the tiredness i got in the process. After a long shag day, dinner with my friends and family are always the most rewarding and warm. Finding the right balance in life is truly important, though work is important, sometimes we must not neglect family and friends ties. I treasure those small talks i have with friends, and enjoying simple happiness in life like spending on fooooodddd hahaha but undoubtedly, money is still a factor. Money woes will definitely start coming in as i grow older, and hopefully i would have a satisfying income that allows me to satisfy my own expenses as well as giving my parents a little pocket money.
On another side note, pondering over how good looking girls tend to have an advantage and tend to be more well-liked by guys with my best friend one day, haha i can't help but to agree. To girls like us, that totally doesn't have a demure image, and don't have the kind of face that guys like, at least (we have each other ...) haha, but what can we do... we can only envy those girls only and feel shag about ourselves.... I will just be myself and get saddened ahahah
okay enough of depressing thoughts, at least I still have my two best friends that won't judge me for who i am and accept me for who i am. I really very thankful for those who genuinely really care, xie xie ni men for letting know that I'm not alone :)
So, BALIIIIIII here we come. May all the tides be in our favour and may the weather be good throughout our stay in thereeeee!!!!! hahah i can't help but to think of the retarded #hashtag convo earlier today. #SPYINBALI HAHA #BALEEEEEEE #SEOWYUNLEE #chasingsunsets #WoMENLAILE #SEESHERLEE
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Posted on : Friday, May 1, 2015 @ 11:37 AM
Haha i guess its just my reflection feeling back once again.
I really think i'm very random, i just felt like creating tumblr like wallpapers and stuff haha so here is one that i created about life.
I hope that everyone I meet is genuine.
Although this is quite impossible, I guess i just have to learn that people are not that simple. On the surface, they might look happy and caring, but deep inside, idk probably they are just judging me and thinking how naive and innocent this person may be.
But still thank you to the wonderful people i have met in my life thus far. I believe in having those few friends that are genuinely concerned about me, listening to my rants, always providing me with a listening ear, and embracing the imperfections i have. Thank you for loving me for who I am and making me feel loved. I hope one day I would be a friend that you guys can be proud of. No matter what happens, I would try my best to help and be that listening ear to you guys too. I would also be the one whom you guys can trust, and be the light that brightens up your day. Seeing my friends happy really makes me feel happy, I hope that each one of them would be able to live their dreams and stay happy despite how unforeseeable life may be. Though tough times may come, let's treat it as a learning experience, learn from it and emerge stronger!!!!
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Posted on : @ 1:30 AM
All you have to do
Is be yourself
And live the story
That no one else can live-
The story
Of your own unique life
Be proud
Be confident
And most of all, be happy.
Hopefully, one day, I would be more confident of myself, learning that at the end of the day, you can't satisfy everyone's needs. But at least, I did my best to satisfy.
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Posted on : Saturday, April 25, 2015 @ 12:13 PM
That feeling when you finally see your best friend again after monthssss and there's endless things to talk about.
Hahaha its like late night feeling to blog again. My late night baking failed on me sobs!!!! My green tea cupcakes didnt taste like green tea..... I learnt that next time I should use a better quality matcha powder because the one at daiso has a higher sugar level compared to matcha powder HAHA and i didnt control my oven well..... my cupcakes got burnt HAHA butt the taste was still acceptable to me, the butter made the cupcakes taste buttery and rich hahaaah omg but still so fail..... I totally didnt buy enough butter for the icing to cover up the ugly top of the cupcakes soooo i doubt i will be able to give it to my friends tmr HAHA #tryagainnextimeyun
OKay enough of my failed late night baking, at least i tried making it, #Aforeffort HAHA but today was pretty much a chill day, worked till afternoon then when i came back home i fell asleep on my sofa while trying to watch tv.... too shag i guess HAAHA but omg it has been ages since i ever took a nap in the afternoon. I'm trying to sleep more to make up for the lack of sleep during exam periods. I'm trying hahaha but i really like late silent nights plugging in my ear piece, listening to songs and doing whatever i like teeheee Its just pure happiness, sometimes you just need this alone time to relax and chill hahaha
But i met up with my best friend after like MONTHS, it has really been freaking long since i went out with her and yes finally i met her and no doubt I was just the old me and she was just the old her. We never run out of topics to say, and i can just say my real thoughts and feelings in front of her. Its really nice to know that you have someone that is always beside you to help you, provide you with a listening ear and support you when you are down. I'm really blessed to have two of such friends, i really omg cant wait for that day where we sit down at some cafe and plan our itinerary for our long awaited trip to Bali!!!!
No quotes to share today but i just wanna say I really like to make people happy, and I believe that if you treat people with a sincere heart, they can feel it and people would respect you. I'm constantly reminding myself to put myself into other's shoes, and dont judge others. Ohhh i just thought of this quote i saw on instagram today,
"The most beautiful thing in the world is to see our parents smiling and knowing that you are the reason behind the smile"
Indeed, so true. No matter how at times we may be mad with our parents, we may find them naggy and irritating for probing so much into our stuff, they are still the ones that brought us up and providing us with the best they can give us. I guess I still have alot to tolerate and learn, learning how to be nicer to them, be more understanding that they are trying to know how we are doing in our school life. I love them and I dont really know how to really really express this feeling, but hahaah i really enjoy hooking my mum's arms and swishing her flabby arms uhmm hahahhhaa i dont really do it to my Dad coz he's still a guy and though he is my dad hahaa idk why i dont feel very comfortable doing the same thing to him HAHAHA
I'm thankful for them, for giving me the best they can, for giving me such wonderful two brothers that I'm proud of!! I'm super proud of my older brother, he's really smart and perfect in many ways, he has got the girl he loves, he has got a bright future ahead of him and I'm really proud of him in many ways!!! Cant wait for the day he actually graduates and me attending his graduation ceremony!!! As my my younger bro, haha i can see he's trying to study hard now and i hope he will be able to accomplish what he likes in future!!!
Remember that a smile is a curve that brightens everything up :)))))
Live everyday happily and be grateful :D
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