Bubblegum smiles.



Posted on : Saturday, April 26, 2014 @ 8:35 PM

Hmm Hi there!
I'm gonna blog about quotes today because i feel that quotes sometimes have a therapeutic power to me when i'm feeling down or whatsoever.
I appreciate my friends alot but there are definitely those special few that i really really am thankful for them being part of my lives, helping thrgh my tough times and giving me advices. I thank them alot alot and its this kind of friendship that makes me feel that hey i'm not alone because i know they will be there for me when i need them. I believe that its hard to end a friendship and never would i have imagined in my life that i would meet someone that would really test my limits and test how i value friendship. But ohwells i have met this person in life that i would say really force my to end the friendship. I definitely cant be lovers with him but its to such an extent that i feel that this friend of mine, I cant even be friends with him already. Im just sooo perplexed by this but i think its really hard for me to change my perception of him. Maybe as time passes i will, but probably i would be better of without him.

" In life, you will realise there is a role for everyone you meet.
Some will test you, some will use you, some will love you, and some will teach you.
But the ones that are important are the ones that brings out the best in you. They're the rare and amazing ones who remind you why its worth it. "

" A Strong friendship doesnt need daily conversations or being together. As long as the relationship lives in the heart, true friends never part. "

" Best friends are the people in life that make you laugh a little louder, smile a little brighter and live a little better. "