✏ title :
Posted on : Saturday, April 25, 2015 @ 12:13 PM
That feeling when you finally see your best friend again after monthssss and there's endless things to talk about.
Hahaha its like late night feeling to blog again. My late night baking failed on me sobs!!!! My green tea cupcakes didnt taste like green tea..... I learnt that next time I should use a better quality matcha powder because the one at daiso has a higher sugar level compared to matcha powder HAHA and i didnt control my oven well..... my cupcakes got burnt HAHA butt the taste was still acceptable to me, the butter made the cupcakes taste buttery and rich hahaaah omg but still so fail..... I totally didnt buy enough butter for the icing to cover up the ugly top of the cupcakes soooo i doubt i will be able to give it to my friends tmr HAHA #tryagainnextimeyun
OKay enough of my failed late night baking, at least i tried making it, #Aforeffort HAHA but today was pretty much a chill day, worked till afternoon then when i came back home i fell asleep on my sofa while trying to watch tv.... too shag i guess HAAHA but omg it has been ages since i ever took a nap in the afternoon. I'm trying to sleep more to make up for the lack of sleep during exam periods. I'm trying hahaha but i really like late silent nights plugging in my ear piece, listening to songs and doing whatever i like teeheee Its just pure happiness, sometimes you just need this alone time to relax and chill hahaha
But i met up with my best friend after like MONTHS, it has really been freaking long since i went out with her and yes finally i met her and no doubt I was just the old me and she was just the old her. We never run out of topics to say, and i can just say my real thoughts and feelings in front of her. Its really nice to know that you have someone that is always beside you to help you, provide you with a listening ear and support you when you are down. I'm really blessed to have two of such friends, i really omg cant wait for that day where we sit down at some cafe and plan our itinerary for our long awaited trip to Bali!!!!
No quotes to share today but i just wanna say I really like to make people happy, and I believe that if you treat people with a sincere heart, they can feel it and people would respect you. I'm constantly reminding myself to put myself into other's shoes, and dont judge others. Ohhh i just thought of this quote i saw on instagram today,
"The most beautiful thing in the world is to see our parents smiling and knowing that you are the reason behind the smile"
Indeed, so true. No matter how at times we may be mad with our parents, we may find them naggy and irritating for probing so much into our stuff, they are still the ones that brought us up and providing us with the best they can give us. I guess I still have alot to tolerate and learn, learning how to be nicer to them, be more understanding that they are trying to know how we are doing in our school life. I love them and I dont really know how to really really express this feeling, but hahaah i really enjoy hooking my mum's arms and swishing her flabby arms uhmm hahahhhaa i dont really do it to my Dad coz he's still a guy and though he is my dad hahaa idk why i dont feel very comfortable doing the same thing to him HAHAHA
I'm thankful for them, for giving me the best they can, for giving me such wonderful two brothers that I'm proud of!! I'm super proud of my older brother, he's really smart and perfect in many ways, he has got the girl he loves, he has got a bright future ahead of him and I'm really proud of him in many ways!!! Cant wait for the day he actually graduates and me attending his graduation ceremony!!! As my my younger bro, haha i can see he's trying to study hard now and i hope he will be able to accomplish what he likes in future!!!
Remember that a smile is a curve that brightens everything up :)))))
Live everyday happily and be grateful :D
✏ title :
Posted on : Monday, April 20, 2015 @ 10:12 PM
I really just have this tinge of warmth, blissfulness and a sense of comfort reading quotes. Its so true that whenever we are too occupied with our lives, we forget the little things that makes us happy in our lives.
“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”
― Marcel Proust
Such a nice nice nice quote that i chanced upon re-reading my twitter that has been dead for so long >< hahahaha reliving those innocent and playful days, where I tweet about how school was boring, with those long cca sessions etc etcc hahaa many many more stuff!! But looking back at it, it is those stupid moments that allowed me to smile stupidly at myself at this point of time. As i grow old, I guess i have learn to better appreciate those who really sticked through me and grew with me since they day i knew them <333 span="">333>
Year 1 of university has just ended, and it was definitely a memorable one that I wished I can relive it once more, (HAHA but maybe not the studying for finals part). Those experiences, friendships that I have forged, I'm really very thankful for all these wonderful opportunities that has been given to me((; As i re-look back into it, the very first most significant experience was definitely my first OCSP that I joined. It was a trip made me feel how lucky i am to be born in SIngapore, and i cant help but to think of how the children are doing in school right now. I hope they are doing fine in their school and the wall mural we left for them still brightens up their day as they look at it! The weather when we were there was pretty much cold, but they only had their thin and tattered blankets with them. They re-wore the same clothes for around 3 days but yet, it didnt bother at them at all. The children still had their own fun, running around the basketball court, screaming. It was just so blissful seeing them having so much fun. It was truly what happiness it all about (: The children, they all had their dreams they want to achieve, being a doctor, a teacher, a musician were just the small goal they had in their minds. I really wished that I have the ability to help them fufill their goals though deep inside my heart, I know that their fate was more or less decided, those better ones would probably make it to like a higher level of education, while the rest would probably continue helping out their parents, farming i guess....
Ahhhh come to think about it, i really miss the children there. Their sweet smile, their warmth, their enthusiasm..... I miss the girl whom was close to me :/ I will never forget how she gave me her pack of milk that she had, and said "姐姐你拿去" when they only had that as a drink..... I was really touched by her, i miss herrrrr. Her bright smile, her shy-ness when she showed me her dance moves, hahah so cute and innocent!!!! I wonder how is she now, I won't be able to see her anymore but I'm hoping that one day, maybe one day, she would contact me through the telephone number i gave her. How i really wishhhh i can see her againnnnn
hahahaokay im back continuing this reflection post about my life HAHA sounds wrong, but suddenly my mood just increased by 100 points level ahh coz im finally finallllyy going on a trip with my two other best friends!!!!!!!!! Flight tickets checked, hotel tickets checked YAYYYSSS They have been there since primary school days and i cant emphasize how important they mean to me. Its just this unspoken feeling we have for one another, we dont meet up or talk very very often (like those couples every minute every second must talk kind...HAHA) But when we start talking, i just know why we are best friends HAHA Those crazy moments in zhonghua, how we changed from young girls to slightly matured young adults talking about more of our feelings about the stuff we face in life (:
" Good friends will stick with you until you’re unstuck. –Pooh "
I'm thankful for them, I'm proud of their every single accomplishment they have achieved in their life <3>3>
"At the end of the day, its not about how much money u have or how successful u are, but its about those whom u love & those who love u"
Just so true, all I want is for my friends to be happy, my family to be happy and to be happy myself. As I grow old, I would definitely face the problems that all working adults would face, money, work politics etccc. Not all people that you work with would see eye to you, and i guess you just have to take it as a challenge to yourself to work with these people. Just be the person you want to be and take every opportunity, every challenge a learning experience. haha i'm a strong believer of learning through experience, one would never understand how it feels like to be in a position unless you experience it truly. Like how people can't understand how working in the F&B industry is tough, how you can make the workers job a little easier just by putting back your own trays after eating. Working in an F&B industry in the past made me realise such simple things, its quite saddening to see how F&B is not being recognised well, how those lowly-paid jobs usually end up with foreigners, or the pioneer generation taking up such jobs.
But i guess, this is part and parcel of life. I wonder how my life would changed 10 years down the road, 20 years down the road, haaha okay many many years down the road. But I'm quite contented with my life right now, having been through Year 1 of uni and uhm 19 years of my life HAHA yeapp okay my thoughts jumps here and there... and Year 1 sem 2 was much much better than sem 1, more experiences, it was more enjoyable despite having to juggle between asvf and studies. 80% of the time was spend on asvf, I apologise to myself for neglecting my studies haha but finals is over for now, I only can pray for the best. I tried my best studying as hard as i could alr, but last minute cramming doesnt really work out i feel.... consistency must still be there haha but still ASVF MADE MY SEM 2 COMPLETE
I joined RB knowing that they had the chance to go korea for this competition, heh "its korea omg" was my first reaction haha but never did i expect myself to be part of it within this short one year! It was unbelievable when i knew i was going korea, it started out in disbelief and then reality was just smacked right there. The process of coming out with an idea that actually made us feel close to our heart was not an easy task. The idea didnt want to seem forceful, but something that is a problem that we face in our everyday lives. Questioning myself about it, what problems i faced in life, i realised the power of technology was really too powerful. It seems i was trying to force out a problem and coming out with an idea, haha it just didnt feel right. But at last, after those brainstorming sessions (my brain juice was really drained :/) we came out with our proud idea Helpy!! The whole process of producing this virtual app was not a simple task at all. It was really really months of hardwork, change, refine, accepting the opinions of other entrepreneurs, late nights in school that we finally came out with the idea that we were all excited about. The process was tiring, but it was something that i really wanted to do well and leave no regrets about it. So fast fast forward so the actual day of the competition because as i write, i just cant help but to think of our win!! That surreal moment, that moment when they announced "Singapore Team 2", that moment when we stood up, that moment when we looked at each other in disbelief, that moment when we walked up on the stage in disbelief, that moment when the truth slowly sinked in, that moment when our hard work paid off, that moment when all the attention was on our group, cameras snapping here and there... that many moments that was so so surreal
We actually wonnnnn!!! our months of hardwork paid off, (like really!!! it really did!!!) haha but that moment of happiness and unbelievableness >< i was really so happy!! Our video that has been through so much refinement, refilming. Our interfaces that has been through so much changes too, the tiny weeny details that only we knew. Our presentation that has been through so much different styles. Our idea that has been through so much last minute changes. But we did it.
Asvf has taught me never to give up, miracles happen, perservance pays off, you just got to work hard for it.
"You can get it if you really want, but you must try, try and try, try and try. You’ll succeed at last. –Sebastian (Little Mermaid Series)"
So, asvf was over at last. It would be a memory that i'm proud of as a freshmen! So then camee R and R. hahaha i can just say that its was so fun. HAHA the joy of shopping along the streets of korea, eating, enjoying, if only my life can be like that everyday haha but it was really funnnn
And then it came the not so fun part, coming back to study for finals. Mehhh, post asvf syndrome was baddd, but looking back at all those pictures made me so happy((: I only need those happy memories to keep me going through the tough times,
“Everybody has problems. Everybody has bad times. Do we sacrifice all the good times because of them? –Phoebe (Enchanted)”
No we dont. But easier said than done, as i move into becoming an adult, problems will definitely surface, bad times will happen but hopefully I was still be reminded of happy times and pull through such moments.
So summer is finally here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Catching up with old friends and looking back about the past, those memories(: i glad that my friends are accomplished in their own way, they are happy with what they are doing. Meanwhile, haha i have to start thinking with what i wanna accomplish in my life... but honestly simple things make me happy. Everything simplistic, but okay it can never happen. Tough decisions to make, trying to keep afloat in this competitive world, personal decisions in life, and the many decisions i have to make next time.......
"You gotta believe in yourself too, because that’s what growing up is. It’s becoming who you want to be. –Gary (The Muppets)"
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that’s why its called the present. –Pooh"
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Designer: everlastingroses!
Icons : chasethedrug/x_empty

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